Last weekend Craig and our two older boys participated in the Spartan races. Craig did the trifecta, which is three races over two days. It’s a total of 26-ish miles with over 75 grueling obstacles, all while running up and down mountains (some peoples ideas of ‘fun’ baffle me haha!) and he lives for it! He did this last year too and instantly fell in love. It’s been really neat and inspiring to see him be so disciplined and driven as he trained and prepare for these big races. And, as a surprise to no one, he killed it. He finished fast, placed really well and had a good time doing so. He is too humble to ever flat out just say how proud he is of himself, but you can just see it in him – he’s proud. And I’m proud and definitely not shy about bragging about him!

The boys decided to join in on it this year, too! H has literally been training daily since last year. Any chance to do an obstacle, sprint through a playground or go on a run – he takes it. I feel like this kind of thing could really be a big part of his future. He ran the one mile race (definitely bumping him up to the 2 mile next time) and he crushed it. He is fast! I got to be up around the trails with him to take pictures and video and cheer, and holy smokes – I couldn’t keep up!! He flew through the trail running and really tackled the obstacles with a lot of determination. He was committed to not skipping any, and he didn’t! He had the time of his life. He’s still riding the high from it. I’m so proud of him. He’s amazing.

Our E is definitely our timid athlete. He’s just as powerful and naturally gifted at this kind of stuff as his brother and dad are, he’s just a lot more cautious, nervous and anxious about these things. He ran the half mile race and all throughout his training over the last month, he’d been known to threaten, “I’m not doing the Spartan!” He was nervous about it and shutting down the idea was usually easier for him. But when it came to race day, my boy blew us away!! He got right up to the starting line and he DID IT! You would have hardly even known he was so worried leading up to it! I was able to run along side him during his race which definitely was beneficial for him, but really, it was all him! He pushed himself and he overcame big fear and became a little Spartan! So very proud of his accomplishment.

I just felt so pumped and proud all weekend long. My guys did that! Their hard work, their training and preparation paid off and they did their races and made it look easy. I’m always so impressed watching Craig do these physical things because they truly do just come so naturally to him, but watching our sons follow in his impressive footsteps this year was…wow! This will be an impactful core memory for all of us. This will be an accomplishment my kids will be able to be proud of and find confidence in forever! They proved to themselves just how strong and capable they are when they put their minds to something – and you better bet I’m going to remind them of that for the rest of their lives!

I’m proud of my Spartans! They taught me so much this weekend! Gosh, I’m just one lucky wife and mama to have them and to be continually learning from them! Forever inspired!